Standard linear components


Vansichen Linear Technology works with different manufacturers to find high-quality standard linear components. The team is always available to support you in your search for the most suitable component. We can guarantee fast delivery times thanks to an extensive stock of the most commonly-requested components and good agreements with our suppliers. Vansichen Linear Technology also has a team of engineers ready to support you if you need custom solutions. More information can be found on the custom linear products and assemblies page.


The Vansichen Linear Technology compact catalog lists the most commonly used standard linear components and systems in the industry for you. Your choice is made even easier thanks to a clear overview of the specific features of the various linear components. Can’t find what you’re looking for right away? Then please feel free to contact us and we will be happy to answer all your questions. Download here or send an email to or call +32 (0) 11 37 79 63.


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