The company initially specialised in the distribution of components for linear systems. Think of tracks (or rails) over which robots ride in a production environment, for example in the automotive industry. Later, the company also started designing its own linear systems, which earned high marks internationally. In 2019, Vansichen Linear Technology was allowed to design and build a 12-metre track for the largest and heaviest robot in the world, together with metalworker and loyal supplier Pollers in Heusden-Zolder. Meanwhile, two sons – Pieter (38) and Thomas (35) – have also become active in the family business, so the second generation is ready and willing.
Now the technology company has swapped its site on Herkenrodesingel in Hasselt for the totally renovated and expanded building of the former waffle factory in Kiewit: 1,120 m² of production halls and 1,150 m² of offices, all set up with growth in mind. After all, there is room for a total of 40 employees. Vansichen currently has 24 staff members, with another 7 in its German subsidiary. “We work for the big players in the industry: not only in automotive, but also for manufacturers of 3D printers, packaging machines, welding applications, woodworking machines, and battery manufacturers,” says Maxime Vansichen. “We are also now much more able to show our customers what we are capable of.”
The new building also meets the latest sustainability requirements, with a roof full of solar panels and geothermal energy with 11 ground borings up to 145 metres deep. “We also owe that to our customers,” Vera Landmeters explains.
Originally appeared in Het Belang van Limburg.